Erik Voeten

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign ServiceGeorgetown University702 InterCultural Center 37th & O Streets, N.W. Washington, DC 20057

Phone:    202-6877927



2007-               Peter F. Krogh Professor of Global Justice and Geopolitics Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

                        2015-   Visiting Professor, PluriCourts University of Oslo

July 2017-       Editor, International Organization

2002-2007       Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, The George Washington University

2001-2002       Post-Doctoral Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation Stanford University



1997-2001       Princeton University

Ph.D Department of Politics, September 2001.

M.A. May 1999. Fields: International Relations, American Politics, Quantitative and Formal Methods

  • University of Twente, The Netherlands

Degree in Public Administration and Public Policy, with a Civil Engineering component.



Erik Voeten Ideology and International Institutions Princeton University Press 2021.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Madsen, Mikael and Mayoral, Juan A. and Strezhnev, Anton and Voeten, Erik, Sovereignty, Substance, and Public Support for European Courts’ Human Rights Rulings, American Political Science Review (2021)

Helfer, Laurence R., and Erik Voeten. “Walking Back Human Rights in Europe?.” Forthcoming in European Journal of International Law (2021).

Kentikelenis, Alexander, and Erik Voeten. “Legitimacy challenges to the liberal world order: Evidence from United Nations speeches, 1970–2018.” The Review of International Organizations (2020): 1-34.

Voeten, Erik. “Gender and judging: Evidence from the European court of human rights.” Journal of European Public Policy (2020): 1-21.

Stiansen, Øyvind, and Erik Voeten. “Backlash and judicial restraint: Evidence from the European court of human rights.” International Studies Quarterly 64, no. 4 (2020): 770-784.

Voeten, Erik. “Making Sense of the Design of International Institutions.” Annual Review of Political Science 22 (2019): 147-163

Voeten, Erik. “Populism and Backlashes against International Courts.”  Perspectives on Politics DOI:, 20 June 2019

Bailey, Michael A., and Erik Voeten. “A two-dimensional analysis of seventy years of United Nations voting.” Public Choice 176, no. 1-2 (2018): 33-55.

 Terman, Rochelle, and Erik Voeten. 2018 “The relational politics of shame: Evidence from the universal periodic review.” The Review of International Organizations (2017): 3.1 (2018): 1-23

Bailey, Michael A., Anton Strezhnev, and Erik Voeten. “Estimating dynamic state preferences from United Nations voting data.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 61.2 (2017): 430-456.

“Competition and Complementarity between Global and Regional Human Rights Institutions.” Global Policy 8.1 (2017): 119-123.

Ross, Michael L., and Erik Voeten. “Oil and international cooperation.” International Studies Quarterly 60.1 (2016): 85-97.

“How Does Customary International Law Change? The Case of State Immunity” International Studies Quarterly International Studies Quarterly 59.2 (2015): 209-222.

 (with Pierre-Hugues Verdier)

“Are new democracies better human rights compliers?  International Organization69.2 (2015): 497-518. (with Sharan Grewal).

“Precedent, Compliance, and Change in Customary International Law” American Journal of International Law Vol. 108, No. 3 (July 2014), pp. 389-434 (with Pierre-Hugues Verdier)


International Courts as Agents of Legal Change: Evidence from LGBT Rights in Europe . International Organization, 68(1), pp 77-110, January 2014. (with Larry Helfer).


Does Participation in International Organizations Increase Cooperation? Evidence from the ICC, UNHRC, and UNSC Review of International Organizations September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 285-308


Public Opinion and the Legitimacy of International Courts“, Theoretical Inquiries in Law   Vol 14, No 2 July 2013


“Precedent on International Courts: A Network Analysis of Case Citations by the European Court of Human Rights” British Journal of Political Science 2012 42 (02), 413-439 (with Yonatan Lupu).


“Borrowing and non-Borrowing on International Courts.” Journal of Legal Studies, Summer 2010.


“The Politics of International Judicial Appointments,” Chicago Journal of International Law 9(2):387-406


“The Cost of Shame: International Organizations, Foreign Aid, and Human Rights Norms Enforcement” (with James Lebovic). Journal of Peace Research, 2009 46: 79-97.


“The Impartiality of International Judges: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights,” American Political Science Review 102(4): 417-433 (November 2008)


“The Politics of International Judicial Appointments: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights”. International Organization 61(4):669-701 (Fall 2007). (Winner, Robert O. Keohane award).


“Measuring Legal Systems”.  (with Howard Rosenthal) Journal of Comparative Economics. 35 (4): 711-28. December 2007.


“The Politics of Shame: The Condemnation of Country Human Rights Practices in the UNHRC.” (with James Lebovic).  International Studies Quarterly 50 (4): 861-88 (Fall 2006)


“Public Opinion, the War in Iraq and Presidential Accountability” (with Paul Brewer). Journal of Conflict Resolution 50(6):809-30 (Fall 2006).


“The Political Origins of the Legitimacy of the United Nations Security Council” International Organization 59 (3):527-57 (Fall 2005). Reprinted in Karen Mingst and Jack Snyder Essential Readings in World Politics, Fourth Edition. Will also be reprinted in Lisa Martin (ed) The Library of Essays in international Relations-Global Governance (Ashgate Publishing).


“Resisting the Lonely Superpower: Responses of States in the UN to U.S. Dominance,” The Journal of Politics. 66 (3): 729-54 (August 2004).


“Analyzing Roll Calls with Perfect Spatial Voting,” The American Journal of Political Science, 48(3): 620-32 (July 2004). (with Howard Rosenthal)


“Outside Options and the Logic of Security Council Action.” The American Political Science Review 95 (4): 845-858 (December 2001).


“Clashes in the Assembly,” International Organization, 54 (2): 185-215 (Spring 2000).


Shorter Academic Articles and Book Reviews

“Are People Really Turning Away from Democracy?” Journal of Democracy (on-line), 2017


“Rigor is Not the Enemy of Relevance” Perspectives on Politics, 2015


Norms, Power and Human Rights, International Studies Review, doi: 10.1111/misr.12126


Domestic Implementation of European Court of Human Rights Judgments: Legal Infrastructure and Government Effectiveness Matter: A Reply to Dia Anagnostou and Alina Mungiu-Pippidi Erik Voeten European Journal of International Law 2014 25 (1): 229-238 doi: 10.1093/ejil/chu004


“Unipolar Politics as Usual” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 2011


“Alexander Thompson. 2009. Channels of power: The UN Security Council and US Statecraft in Iraq (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).”The Review of International Organizations 4.4 (2009): 435-437.



Book Chapters

“Data and Analyses of Voting in the UN General Assembly”   Routledge Handbook of International Organization, edited by Bob Reinalda (published May 27, 2013).


“Judicial Behavior” Oxford University Handbook on International Adjudication, edited by Karen Alter, Cesare Romano and Yuval Shany (published December 2013).


“Regional Judicial Institutions and Economic Cooperation: Lessons for Asia?” in: Integrating Regions: Asia in Comparative Context, edited by Miles Kahler, Andrew MacIntyre, Stanford University Press. (2013)


“International Judicial Independence” in: Jeffrey Dunoff and Mark Pollack (eds) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations, Cambridge University Press (2012)


“The Practice of Political Manipulation.” In: Emanuel Adler and Vincent Pouliot International Practices (Cambridge University Press) (2011).


Politics, Judicial Behaviour and Institutional Design” in: The European Court of Human Rights between Law and Politics (edited by Jonas Christoffersen and Mikael Rask Madsen) Oxford University Press. (2011)


“Who is Running the International Criminal Justice System?” With Allison Danner in: Deborah Avant, Martha Finnemore and Susan Sell: Who Governs the Globe? Cambridge University Press. (2010)


“Enlargement and the ‘Normal’ European Parliament” (in: Jacques Thomassen (ed.). The Legitimacy of the European Union after Enlargement. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2010)


“A Strategic Approach to Understanding Security Council Authority.” The UN Security Council and the Legitimacy of International Authority , edited by Ian Hurd and Bruce Cronin (Routledge). (2008)


“United Nations,” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Macmillan Reference. (2007)


“Why no UN Security Council Reform? Lessons for and from Institutionalist Theory.” In: Dimitris Bourantonis, Kostas Infantis and Panayotis Tsakonas (ed). 2007. Multilateralism and Security Institutions in the Era of Globalization Routledge. Pp 288-305


“Some Comments on UN Charter Reform”. In: Ernesto Zedillo (ed.) Reforming the United Nations for Peace and Security Proceedings of a Workshop to Analyze the Report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change pp 186-96. Yale Center for the Study of Globalization: New Haven, CT. (2005)


“Political Competition in the European Parliament.” In: Gary Marks and Marco Steenbergen (eds) European Integration and Political Conflict, Cambridge University Press, pp. 141-64. (2004, With Jacques Thomassen and Abdul Noury).


Work in Progress



“Does a Professional Judiciary Induce More Compliance? Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights” Revise and resubmit British Journal of Political Science


A book manuscript on international institutions. One chapter “A Convention Theory of Global Constitutionalism” (presented at Berkeley, McGill, and Cornell). A second chapter “International Institutions and Interstate Military Conflict” will be presented at the University of Chicago Law school May 8.

(presented at Princeton, University of Oslo, Yale)


“Trust In International Judges: What we can learn from Car Dealers, Priests, and the Mafia” prepared for a special issue of Ethics and International Affairs


“Legal Globalization” (Presented at Wissenschaftszentrum in Berlin)


Public Writing

I am a co-editor of the Washington Post blog The Monkey Cage. Regular contributions on the Washington Post can be found here:


Occasional contributions in other venues, including The New York Times and CNN.


Occasional radio appearances, including for the BBC and NPR.



Datasets and Software

Anton Strezhnev; Erik Voeten, 2013, “United Nations General Assembly Voting Data”, UNF:5:s7mORKL1ZZ6/P3AR5Fokkw== Erik Voeten [Distributor] V7 [Version]


“European Court of Human Rights Data” Extensive data on judicial dissents, biographical characteristics of judges, and information on cases


International Courts data page:


“UNANIMATE” (with Howard Rosenthal and Zelalem Alehegn). Animations of UN General Assembly voting. Available at:


“VOTEWORLD United Nations” (with Howard Rosenthal, Keith Poole and Boris Shor). Software to search and display voting records of states in the United Nations General Assembly. Available from:


“French Fourth Republic Roll Call Data” (with Howard Rosenthal): Published on-line at:



Fellowships and Awards

2014                International Collaborative Grant, Georgetown University

2014                Workshop grant, IO Foundation

2013                Research grant for semester on leave

2013                Fellowship in residence, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (declined)

2009                Georgetown University, summer grant

2007                Robert O. Keohane Award (given annually to the best research article published in the journal International Organization for the article: “The Politics of International Judicial Appointments: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights.”

Summer 2005 University Facilitating Fund, George Washington University

2005-2006       Policy Research Scholar, George Washington Institute for Public Policy

Summer 2003  University Facilitating Fund ($10,000), George Washington University

2001-2002       Post-Doctoral Fellowship Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University.

2000-2001       Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Honorific Fellowship, Princeton University.

2000                Research Grant, Research Program in International Security at the Center for International Studies, Princeton University.

Summer 2000  Summer Stipend Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Program

1997-2000       Princeton University Graduate Fellowship

Summer 1999  Mellon Foundation Summer Research Grant

Summer 1998  MacArthur Foundation Research Grant for joint research with Professor Howard Rosenthal on the analysis of roll call voting in the United Nations General Assembly.



Professional and Public Service

Co- Editor in Chief and Founder, Research and Politics


Editor, The Monkey Cage (Washington Post)


Member editorial boards International Organization, Journal of Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Review of International Organizations.


Member APSA Taskforce on U.S. Standing


2007 Annual MidWest Political Science Conference, program committee section 19 (International cooperation and organization).


United States Institute of Peace, review panel Dissertation fellowships (Spring 2006)


American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, UN Reform Workshop, March 3, 2006.


Participant workshops for International Commission on Global Public Goods on United Nations reform, Yale University, February 27th 2004 and 11-12 February 2005 (organized by former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo)


Referee for: Acta Politica, The American Journal of Political Science, The American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Comparative Political Studies, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Council on Foreign Relations, European Journal of International Law, European Journal of International Relations, European Journal of International Law, European Law Journal, European Union Politics, Human Rights Review, Human Rights Quarterly, International Organization, International Politics, International Security, International Sociology, International Studies Quarterly, International Theory, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of International Relations and Development, Journal of Legal Studies, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, National Science Foundation, Oxford University Press, Perspectives on Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Political Science Quarterly, Public Opinion Quarterly, The Review of International Organizations, Social Science Quarterly, and World Politics.



Dutch (native)

English (fluency)

German (fluency)

French and Swedish (moderate reading ability)


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